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Lifestyle8 SOS Yoga Exercises: Get rid of your problems with the help...

8 SOS Yoga Exercises: Get rid of your problems with the help of yoga

Licensed international teacher of yoga, facial yoga, and gua sha technique, Anja Zorko, shared with us the SOS yoga exercises, as she likes to call them. The name is quite appropriate for them because, in her opinion, these exercises are one of the most effective when a certain problem arises.

Performing yoga exercises has many positive effects on our bodies, both physical, psychological, and emotional. As Anja Zorko says: “Yoga is not just asanas. Yoga is a practice that offers holistic well-being, both externally and internally, as it is not only aimed at the flexibility of the body. The influence of many asanas or yoga poses also benefits our internal organs, because it acts as a kind of internal massage.” He emphasizes, however, that the change is noticeable and possible only with regular practice. “If we breathe correctly, practice breathing techniques, and yoga asanas, and devote a few minutes to ourselves every day, it definitely pays off and shows in a generally better feeling. It is important to respect and listen to your body. Regular practice of yoga certainly teaches us this.

Practicing yoga that suits our body will keep our body strong and slim and remove all blockages from the body.” In her group and individual yoga treatments, Anja Zorko, therefore, tries to in this too fast and stressful pace of life in a unique way, even by following elements of traditional Chinese medicine and ancient knowledge and rituals, we regain contact with our body and nature and create balance in our body. And she shared with us excellent exercises for eight problems that we encounter most often. She confided in us which exercise is best suited for a particular problem, how to do the exercises correctly, how often we should do them in order to achieve an improvement in the problem, and when is the best time to do the exercises.

1. Against insomnia

Belly breathing

Belly breathing

How to do it: We sit and straighten the spine and the whole body. We relax completely. First, we exhale everything possible from the body. Place one hand gently on your stomach and the other on your chest, as this will help you monitor your breath and the rise and fall of your tummy. Then we breathe in through the nose and bring the breath as low as possible below the navel, so that the belly is full, and the upper part of the lungs remains empty since we have already exhaled completely. We will feel the heat in the abdominal cavity. Then we exhale slowly through the nose, and at the same time, the belly slowly and softly moves inwards, at the end of the exhalation, the abdominal muscles are joined and the navel is pushed to the spine. The body is empty again and ready for a new breath. With each breath, the belly is filled outward like a balloon, in all directions. And with exhalation, we bring it towards the spine and slightly upwards. We do at least 10 repetitions, which we repeat daily until deep and slow abdominal breathing becomes automatic. With regular practice, the abdominal diaphragm softens and thus breathing is more and more pleasant.

Why belly breathing? Correct diaphragmatic breathing has many positive effects on our bodies. Not only does it calm us down and enable us to sleep better, but it also accelerates lymph, regulates digestion, restores the brain, regulates the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, massages the internal organs, and takes care of their stimulation. Also, our diaphragm or diaphragm is the most important muscle that takes care of breathing. Therefore, it is very important to train it and improve our breathing, which is the source of our life.

Frequency and best time: for better sleep just before bed, for a few minutes, otherwise as many times as possible during the day.

2. Tinnitus

A cobra

Cobra yoga pose

How to do it: We lie on the floor, looking down. Place your palms against your chest. The legs should be extended, and the upper part of the feet should touch the floor. Inhale slowly and lift the upper part of the body, open the chest, and slightly look up. Make sure that the elbows remain next to the body and are slightly bent. Hold and then release and lie down on the floor. We rise again to the cobra position, hold and then release to the ground. We repeat this 5 more times to really feel the movement of the body and the opening of our heart. When we are done, we relax in the child’s position.

Why a cobra? Actively holding this position helps to release the shoulders and stress while helping our spine to become more flexible and thus attract more flexibility into our lives. Asana encourages us to relax, stop thinking and open our hearts to guide us in our actions. With it, we strengthen the hands, the entire spine, and lower back, as well as the entire body. At the same time, there is intense stretching in the chest, in the biceps muscles, in the front of the hips, also on the sides, and in the front of the body. This pose can reduce the noise level of subjective tinnitus and improve concentration. The asana is not suitable for pregnant women and those with severe spinal injuries.

Frequency and best time: every day at least a few repetitions, at any time of the day.

3. Chronic Back Pain

Cat-Cow Yoga Pose


How to do it: Let’s get on all fours – in a neutral position (table-top position). Make sure that your palms are under your shoulders and your knees are under your hips, hip-width apart. The spine should be straight and relaxed. The palms should strongly resist the base, and the fingers on the hands are extended and spread apart. We breathe deeply into our belly to fill it in all directions. We direct our gaze to the sky, the buttocks go towards the sky and the spine is turned inward so that we feel a strong stretch – the position of the cat. Then, with the exhalation, we move into the cow position, so that we exhale with the belly (the belly goes towards the spine), the head or the chin travels towards the chest, and the spine curves outwards, just as if you were trying to make a hump with it. We feel a pleasant stretch and relaxation in our spine and lumbar area, and with abdominal breathing we additionally massage and activate the kidneys. We repeat the cow and cat with inhalation and exhalation 5 more times and then stop in the center and align in a neutral (table-top position).

Why a cat and a cow? Cat and cow strengthen the buttocks, and arms and eliminate the tummy. They reduce back pain, the stiffness in the back and hips and release tension in the spine.

Frequency and best time: at least a few repetitions every day. It is best to start in the morning, as soon as we get up, and then repeat as many times as possible throughout the day.

4. Arthritis

Bend Down

Bend Down

How to do it: From a standing position, slowly bend down towards the ground, so that we hang forward, with the weight on the whole feet. The head, shoulders, and neck are completely relaxed down, releasing all tension. Be careful not to lock your knees or roll your legs in or out. The upper body should hang without tension, including the relaxed head. We can hold each other’s elbows or intertwine our fingers behind our backs.

Why the bending? Standing forward bend calms the brain and helps relieve stress. This pose stimulates the liver and kidneys and stretches the hamstrings and hips, while also allowing complete relaxation of the upper body. It releases tension and burdens from the shoulder and neck area.

Frequency and best time: every day, several times a day, any time of the day.

5. Weight Loss



It is surely one of the most popular and famous asanas and also one of the best poses for burning belly fat and toning muscles.

How to do it: We lie on our stomachs. We raise the body and straighten the arms, and the weight of the body is supported by our palms and toes. We direct our gaze to the floor, making sure that the neck is an extension of the spine. The palms are somewhere below the shoulders and shoulder-width apart. We push our palms off the base, breathe deeply, then relax our body on the base and repeat as desired. If we want more difficult variations, then we go from the plank position to the side plank position by first turning to one side, from the lower arm still pushing off the ground, while raising the upper arm to the sky and holding.

Why a plank? It is the most effective exercise for strengthening the abdominal and back muscles. It is a stabilization exercise and works on endurance. When performing, the position of individual parts of the body is important, and, above all, perseverance, so as not to give up as soon as it becomes difficult. When holding the board, all six abdominal muscles are activated in the body. Abdominal muscles are not the only ones; the muscles of the shoulder girdle, pectoral muscles, front thigh muscles, and the front muscles of the shins are also activated when planking. The plank exercise, therefore, strengthens the stability of the trunk or the whole body and forms the abdominal and back muscles nicely. The more we practice balance positions with the body, the healthier our spleen is. At the same time, practicing physical balance helps us to establish emotional balance.

Frequency and most suitable time: at least 3 times a week, preferably in the morning or morning hours.

6. Boost Your Metabolism

Camel (Ustrasana)

Camel - Ustrasana

How to do it: We rise to our knees and place our palms on the lower part of the spine to support us. Squeeze the buttocks, push the hips forward, and the elbows together to open the chest even more. We lean back slightly and open the chest and lungs even more and breathe – camel position. If it goes, we can move our hands to our feet, tilt our head back a little (be careful not to tilt it too much) and open our chest even more. In this position, our lungs will capture even more oxygen. Because the exercise is very vigorous, it is not suitable for those who have injuries or pain in the lower part of the spine. If the lower back starts to “tingle” by chance, it is better to skip the exercises or do them to the point where the body still allows a pleasant stretch. Hold for a few breaths and then relax into the child’s position.

Why a camel? Camel increases the flexibility of the spine. Among other things, the camel stimulates the nervous system, opens the chest and shoulders, and improves blood circulation and digestion. It should also affect blood pressure, lowering blood pressure. Poses like Ustrasana stimulates circulation and in turn help flush toxins from the body. Increased circulation also has a beneficial effect on our skin. Ustrasana is also said to stimulate creativity, as a change of perspective (looking to the other side) allows us to look at a certain matter a little differently. Figuratively and literally.

Frequency and best time: several times a week, preferably first thing in the morning, but on a warm body.

7. Alleviation of asthma symptoms

Nadi Shodana

Nadi shodana

How to do it: Cover the right nostril with the right thumb and inhale through the left. The index and ring or little fingers are extended, and the other fingers are bent. Let’s prepare the thumb and ring finger (or little finger) with which we will change the nostrils. Cover the right nostril with the thumb and inhale through the left, then close the left nostril, withdraw the thumb to open the right nostril, and exhale through the right. Then inhale through the right nostril, close the right nostril, and exhale through the left. Next, inhale through the left nostril, close the left nostril, and exhale through the right. We inhale through the right, close the right and exhale through the left. Let’s repeat in an even rhythmic sequence so that the length of inhalation and exhalation is the same.

Why Nadi Shodhana? Nadi Shodhana or ‘alternating breath’ is alternating breathing through the nostrils, which leads to a pleasant cooling of the head and nervous system. Ida is the conductor of energy originating from the left nostril and Pingala is the conductor of energy originating from the right nostril. These nadis, or water, run from each nostril to the spine and cross each other several times on the way down – morning and evening, both of which are good times to exercise, but never immediately after eating. Let’s make sure that the breath does not stop and get stuck, but is connected and flowing. Let’s keep the facial muscles completely relaxed, as well as the hand that closes and opens the nostrils. The scattered and vague emotions within us will turn into a clear picture. Nadi Shodhana calms the mind and is a good preparation for meditation. It releases tension and helps us to regenerate energy faster. It has a positive effect on the respiratory and blood systems. It balances the functioning of the left and right halves of the brain and balances the main energy channels.

Frequency and best time: every day for at least 5 minutes, preferably before bedtime.

8. Alleviation of menstrual cramps

Legs up the wall (Viparita Karani)

Yoga for menstrual cramps Legs up the wall Viparita Karani

How to do it: We find a place near the wall. We lie on our backs and make sure that the back of our legs is pressing against the wall and that our feet are pointing up. We find a comfortable position so that our back is relaxed on the floor and our legs are resting on the wall. Let’s make sure that the back and head are resting on the floor. We will find that in this position our body forms an angle of 90 degrees. The head and neck should be in a neutral position and completely relaxed. We close our eyes and breathe. Do not do the exercise on a full stomach, and do not hold it for too long during menstruation. During menstruation, let’s especially listen to our body and stay in the position only as long as we feel relaxation in the abdominal area. In other phases of the cycle, it is recommended to hold the position for up to 5 minutes.

Why Viparita Karani? Viparita Karani is a relaxation asana that allows the mind and body to relax, and relieve stress and tension. It is one of the most accessible poses in yoga as it does not require much flexibility or strength. Because it relaxes the whole body, especially the pelvic floor, and abdomen, it is especially recommended during menstruation, especially when cramps and discomfort are present. In addition, the position stimulates the action of the lymph and increases circulation. Elevating your legs against the wall promotes drainage due to the accumulation of excess fluid. In addition, gravity helps circulation by making it easier for blood to return to the heart. The asana also soothes swollen feet and has long been known as an effective means of reducing swelling and pain in the lower extremities. This can be therapeutic after physical activity or due to the harmful effects of sitting or standing during the day. Viparita Karani relieves tension in the lower back, as it relaxes due to the pressure on the spine in a lying position (especially on a bed or pillow).

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Menstrual craps Child's pose Balasana

How to do it: We start in a kneeling position, lower the buttocks towards the heels. We sit straight, then inhale, and with exhalation stretch the body down and forward so that the stomach rests on the thighs. Extend your arms above your head and place them on the floor, and rest your forehead on a mat or pillow. We close our eyes and breathe. You should feel a slight stretch in your shoulders and glutes and down the length of your spine and arms. If we want to get into a deeper position, we can open our knees outwards and at the same time gently stretch our hips and inner thighs. If we have problems with the buttocks resting on the heels, place a folded blanket between the buttocks and thighs.

Why Balasana? The pose relaxes the pelvic floor and internal organs, which provides a special relaxation of the body, especially the pelvic floor and abdominal area, which can ease menstrual cramps or pain. In the child’s pose, our internal organs are relaxed, and the pose also releases tension in the back, shoulders, and neck. If you are one of those who feel pain in muscles and joints during menstruation, this simple pose will be especially suitable. We can stay in it as long as we want. In addition, it also has a calming effect on our minds.


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